Monday, September 15, 2008

License bekaa?

The Regional Transport Officers' coven (Karnataka chapter) has decreed in their wisdom that a valid passport is not proof of citizenship, let alone birth. You ask what higher proof of identity there is. Well, apparently, your school leaving certificate is more important than your passport. More important maybe than the fact that you were not only born but are alive and present to prove it. In spite of the fact that the piece of paper has not been invulnerable to corruption. Perhaps the left hand of the Indian Government should consider an orientation programme for the right hand.


Anonymous said...

R U on vacc already?

Abhishek Thakur said...

I can't believe they actually said so!!

Gargoyle said...

They did. In so many words. I couldn't believe it either and kept waving my passport around saying "but this is a PASSPORT." And by the way are you at HP Prime or WTR?

Abhishek Thakur said...

I'm at CVR 5th floor. Work in SE team, healthcare vertical under jitendra. :-)
How I found ur blog is an interesting anecdote of its own. I found your blog idol entry too good to be original and suspected it to be a copy-paste effort (happens a lot here!). So i pasted an entire paragraph from it on to google. This gave me JUST ONE result, and that was this blog!

Gargoyle said...

Ah so there're explanations for the weird stuff that goes on! You were being routed through the US so all my stat counter showed me was that someone from HP Austin was googling whole sentences from my blog - and just two weeks after I joined!

Gargoyle said...

I'm in CVR as well by the way. 5th floor, CMC

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